Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Interview with Jared Carman (Down To Nothing, Trapped Under Ice)

This is a new interview with Jared Carman, He is constantly on tour with DTN and TUI, luckily enough he's home for a bit and could answer a few questions regarding hardcore and burritos.

Let's start off with the basics, who are you, and what do you do?

I am Jared. I play bass in the bands Down To Nothing and Trapped Under Ice.

How did you get recruited to the TUI camp?

The first Trapped Under Ice shows in Richmond were with Down To Nothing. We used to bring them down because we liked that demo a lot. They never really had a bass player and when DTN sorta took a back seat it just happened.

Your touring schedule must be pretty rigorous split between two bands, when your holding it down at home, what is your favorite pass time?

Yeah I'm not home that much. This is actually the beginning to my entire summer off and I'm going to spend it lifting weights, walking in the woods, jumping off of shit, sleeping outside, going to the beach, skateboarding, and riding my bike. My favorite thing to do while I'm home is get in the James River and while there I will do what my friend Justice would refer to as "tanning my dick".

Anything new in the pipeline for either TUI or DTN?

Both bands got some stuff going on. DTN just had a new EP called "All My Sons" come out on Reaper Records. We're playing a handful of shows in DC, Raleigh, Philly, Atlanta, going out to California for Sound and Fury, a record release in Richmond, and then a month in Europe. We are all in other bands, go to school, or have real jobs, so when we get a chance to do something it's awesome. Trapped Under Ice just wanted to take the summer off cause we've been out this entire year and this part of the year is cluster fuck for touring bands. We've got some one off stuff here and there and were playing some fests and stuff. We're actually writing a lot for our next record on this time off. Then in late August we will demo some of the songs right before we start a full US with Bane, Cruel Hand, and Alpha & Omega. Then in the fall we do Europe and Japan. Thats a lot of shit.

Is there any comment you would like to make about violence in the hardcore scene. Whether it be beefs with bands, crews or otherwise. I know some people can just ignore it, but in certain cities, it must be more noticeable?

To be perfectly honest I don't see a problem. It not really something I even really see. I just did a tour with Four Year Strong and they are like a pop punk band. There were more fights for them than any other tour I've been on. They had to stop playing a lot. I mean if you are fucking your scene up by ruining venues and shutting shows down then you probably shouldn't be going in the first place. You probably won't be sticking around anyways. Sometimes things happen and that's that. The way I see it, just like in the everyday life, you should be minding your business and everything should be OK. I guess if you're in a band or gang and gotta fight then go outside and fight across the street if its that important. Seems pretty simple to me.

What's good in 2010 hardcore?

Reaper Records is what's good in 2010 hardcore. I heard the new Terror record last night. That shit is unbelievable. I want to listen to that everyday. Dead End Path, Fire and Ice, Bracewar, Naysayer, Cruel Hand, Title Fight, Hatebreed, Maximum Penalty, Backtrack, Foundation..this list goes on. Check all those bands out. Shit is alive as it has ever been.

Biggest inspiration in music? Is there one person/band you look up to more than anything else?

I play music because I love it and there are definitely people, bands, or songs that make me love it but there isn't any one person or band I look up to. I think thats something you do more when you are younger. There were people I thought were cool and wanted to be so bad but you get over that stuff. I'm more into just being myself and that's sorta what I admire in other people now. People that are just passionate about what they are doing. That feeling can come from anywhere too. You can be having a weird week or something and it can come from anywhere and can change everything just like that. Everything just turns around immediately. It could be a new band or song that kills me or it could be a dog smiling at me from a car driving by me on my bike. I'm serious.

What are your requirements for the most supreme burrito? Sauce, cheese, etc... What's it got to be?

I will fuck with any burrito (or food for that matter) as long as it doesn't have eggs in it. I don't do eggs. Carnitas. Cilantro in the rice is so wack. Please get that shit out of my face.

Any last words?

"Stop sucking dicks and start getting your dick sucked."

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